All films are available Canada-wide via the
Eventive Platform.
Ticket and pass holders have a 48hours window to watch the film, starting from the scheduled starting date. Make sure you don’t miss the viewing window!
More information on how to navigate EUFF online is available
How to Buy a Pass or Ticket
There are different categories of tickets and passes available, including individual tickets for in-person screenings, individual tickets for digital screenings and online 5-film passes and online full passes. There are no in-person ticket packages.
On-site and online film tickets and passes can be purchased
You can also buy in-person tickets from any film page on
EUFF website, as well as online tickets and passes directly from the ‘Passes’ or ‘My Tickets’ pages of the
Eventive Platform.
Purchases can be made through phone, tablet or computer.
No ticket can be purchased on location.