

Directed by: Maryna Er Gorbach
There is no more advance reservation for this screening,
it’s only free at the door on a first come, first served basis

Accolades have followed Maryna Er Gorbach’s solo debut around the festival circuit this year, beginning with its world premiere (Sundance’s Best Director prize) and culminating in being selected as Ukraine’s submission to the Academy Awards. But beyond its ripped-from-the-headlines relevance, this is a sturdy, visually precise drama in the vein of Bergman’s Shame. “It is 2014, and Irka (Oxana Cherkashyna), heavily pregnant and saddled with a rather frustrating husband, finds herself at a crossroads when an errant bomb blows a hole in the side of her house, and shortly thereafter a Malaysian commercial plane is shot down nearby, killing 298 passengers and crew. Comic in the darkest of ways, and searing in many others, Klondike is a reminder that even in the most precarious of times, the mundanities of life go on—and that war’s toll on ordinary people is often unfathomable” (Alissa Wilkinson, Vox).

Cast: Oksana Cherkashyna, Sergey Shadrin, Oleg Shcherbina

The profit from the screening will go to a fundraiser on the UNITED24 platform (an initiative by the President of Ukraine) to procure emergency transport vehicle for the healthcare facilities in Kramatorsk, Ukraine. The aim in Canada is to raise C$100,000.

You can also donate with the following link: https://donorbox.org/emergency_canada

Ukranian, russian, chechen, dutch
100 min
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There is no more advance reservation for this screening,
it’s only free at the door on a first come, first served basis

[Horák] matches each of the film’s periods to a different style: the 1960s to the Czech New Wave, the 1970s to normalization films, and the 1980s to documentary-like grainy footage. The stylisation enables a fine adjustment of dramatic effects”

(Martin Kudláč, Cineuropa).


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  • Golden Rose Festival of Bulgarian film: Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Critics Gild Award and Audience Award